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How to Care for Your Veneers

There are many ways in which we can improve your smile, and dental veneers are among the most effective as they can cover up a host of imperfections. If you’ve decided that dental veneers are the clear choice for your smile makeover, you want to protect and prolong your great results.

The team here at Peninsula Dental Excellence, under the direction of Drs. Jeff Yoshihara and Colin Au, has the same goal, which is why we pulled together a few tips for caring for your dental veneers.

Basic care

Once we bond the dental veneers to your teeth, you should care for them as you normally would your teeth, which means:

Of course, you can always go the extra distance and brush after meals, which helps clear away any foods that linger in your mouth.

Professional care

We also recommend that you keep up with your regular dental cleanings with us — with or without veneers. These twice-a-year cleanings allow us to access those hard-to-reach places that regular care alone can’t reach.

As an added bonus, at the end of each cleaning, we polish your dental veneers, leaving them whiter and brighter.

Stop the stain

Your dental veneers are made out of porcelain, which is a material that mimics the natural coloring of your teeth. While this material is tough, it isn’t immune to staining (much like your enamel).

To keep your veneers white, we suggest that you avoid foods, liquids, and habits that lead to staining, such as:

There are some natural foods that can stain your teeth, such as berries, but their health benefits far outweigh the risk of staining. In these cases, please continue to eat these healthy fruits, but be mindful to rinse or brush afterward.

Protect against shipping and cracking

Your dental veneers are strong, but they can be damaged if you place too much pressure on them. For example, don’t chew ice or use your teeth for anything other than eating (think opening packages with your teeth or chewing your fingernails).

Sport safety

If you engage in contact sports (or any sport that involves flying objects), we suggest that you use a mouthguard, which not only protects your veneers, but your teeth, in general.

Avoid grinding

If you have a habit of grinding your teeth at night, you may damage your veneers. To prevent this from happening, come see us about outfitting you with a night guard.

The average life of veneers

Dental veneers can last up to 10 years if you take good care of them. Should they start to wear down or become damaged, all you need to do is return to our office so that we can set you up with a fresh set of veneers.

If you have more questions about caring for dental veneers, please contact our office in Mountain View, California.

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